About FlexAware and FAQs

FlexAware® is

• A new approach to fitness and exercise,
• For people of all ages and all health conditions,
• Movements that feel good while doing them and after,
• Grounded in science, including current neuroscience,
• Based on the way young children naturally learn and move.

Whether you are fit and active, mostly sedentary, disabled with chronic pain, or a professional athlete, you can benefit from FlexAware.

This is a sustainable approach to fitness. There’s no equipment, so it’s easy to begin and easy to resume after a break. You can practice anywhere: at the gym, on the floor of your living room or bedroom, sitting or standing at your desk, walking down the street. Every FlexAware exercise strengthens weak muscles and relaxes tight ones at the same time, while enhancing cardiovascular capacity.

A few minutes can bring real benefits:
• Relieve pain,
• Recover from stress,
• Be more alert and focused,
• Improve breathing, posture, and walking,
• Increase flexibility, strength, stamina, and vitality,
• Enhance skills in sports, dance, yoga, and other activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I’ve tried other fitness programs, and quit. The movements were boring. Or I had pain after. Or I just didn’t enjoy it. How is FlexAware different? What is there to keep me going? 2. Is FlexAware a type of stretching? 3. Can I use FlexAware to gain strength? Does it include lifting weights or other strength-training activities? 4. Will FlexAware improve my cardiovascular fitness? Is it aerobic? 5. Can I really get the benefits of stretching, strength-training, and cardiovascular fitness at the same time? How does FlexAware achieve that? 6. How does FlexAware compare with yoga? Pilates? Tai chi? Qi gong? 7. I’ve seen “mind-body” used to describe yoga, tai chi, and qi gong. Is FlexAware a mind-body exercise? 8. Is there anything religious or spiritual with FlexAware? Anything like the chanting, teachings, or meditation that are featured in some yoga classes? 9. Can FlexAware help me with my golf? What about tennis, skiing, swimming, basketball, or soccer? What about tango, waltz, swing, and salsa dancing? 10. I’m an athlete and train almost every day, with specific routines from my coaches and trainers. What can FlexAware do for me? 11. My son has asthma. My father has COPD. When I climb stairs, I have to stop and rest due to shortness of breath. Can FlexAware help? How? 12. I’ve had back pain for many years, severe at times, and I've seen a number of therapists. Doctors have said it's arthritis or spinal stenosis, with a bulging disc that may require surgery. Now there's also pain in my left hip joint. I want to avoid surgery. My doctor tells me I have to keep active, and I try, but that's a problem. Walking hurts! Can I do FlexAware? Will it help? 13. My bad posture is getting worse. Is FlexAware good for better posture? Can it help my daughter, who’s thirteen and has a scoliosis? The doctor wants her to use a back brace, but she hates it. We're afraid she may need surgery. 14. I’m in my 80s. One of my friends fell, was in the hospital, and is now using a walker. My balance is not good, and I'm afraid of falling. Is FlexAware for me? Will I be able to do it? 15. Stress? Anxiety? Depression? Does FlexAware help people who have emotional or psychological difficulties? 16. Can FlexAware help someone who has MS, multiple sclerosis? Parkinson’s? Cerebral palsy? Alzheimer’s? What about after a stroke or traumatic brain injury? 17. How is FlexAware related to the Feldenkrais Method? What about Rolfing, the Alexander Technique, and similar modalities? 18. How long before I notice any benefits? How often should l practice? 19. Is there any research on the efficacy of FlexAware? 20. Will I have to buy any equipment? What about clothes and shoes? 21. Are there any classes near me? Can I learn FlexAware from the DVD?

Revised on 30 December 2015

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